Little Fish Daycare parents! Here is a condensed version of important information

Closure Dates
Labour Day
Monday, September 4, 2023
Truth and Reconciliation Day
Monday, October 2, 2023
Monday, October 9, 2023
Professional Development Day
Friday, November 10, 2023
Remembrance Day
Monday, November 13, 2023
Winter Break
Monday, December 25, 2023 - Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Winter Break: Daycare reopens on Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Family Day
Monday, February 19, 2024
Good Friday
Friday, March 29, 2024
Easter Monday
Monday, April 1, 2024
Professional Development Day
Friday, April 26, 2024
Victoria Day
Monday, May 20, 2024
Canada Day
Monday, July 1, 2024
Summer Break: Daycare reopens on
Monday, July 29 - August 9, 2024
Monday, August 12, 2024
**Please note, full monthly fees are in effect for the summer break to cover staff vacation. We are a very small operation and we have had a very difficult time finding substitutes to cover staff vacations which is why we close. Lastly, because Little Fish Daycare participates in the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative, we are restricted to a monthly fee schedule and therefore are unable to distribute the cost of care to offset summer costs.
VSB (Vancouver School Board) Snow closure = Daycare closed.

Sick Policy
Help keep us all healthy
When a child develops new symptoms or symptoms become worse, parents are contacted and the child sent home.
Active vomiting or diarrhea.
Escalating fevers above 38 C or 101 F
Suspected or known measles, mumps, rubella or chicken pox, or other communicable disease, excluded until non-infectious.
Infected skin or eyes, undiagnosed rash accompanied by fever or behavior change.
Whooping cough (pertussis) – 5 days of antibiotics – if not treated, child must be excluded for 2 weeks
Hepatitis A – excluded until one week after jaundice appeared
Head lice until treated and all nits removed.
Pinkeye until 24 hours after treatment
Strep throat (24 hours as per Well Beings book)
Ringworm – excluded until treatment has been started
Impetigo – excluded until antibiotics have been given for at least one full day
Scabies – excluded until treatment has begun

Positive Guidance Strategies
Your preschool aged child is growing to be independent and this can be challenging. Guidance is being respectful of a child's developmental needs that reflect their best interests. Discipline is a learning process to help children develop self-control, self-confidence and self-discipline.

Plan for positive outcomes

Recognize positive behaviours verbally and non-verbally
For example, if there is a new toy, make sure there are at least two of them to make turn-taking easier.

Offer choices
Choices must be real choices that are clearly understood by the child and acceptable to both the child and you.

Use natural or logical consequences:
For example, if a child doesn't want to wear a jacket, they will feel cold. This is a natural consequence. Logical consequences are ones that follow rules such as if a child is throwing a toy and you've asked them not to do so, they are showing you they can't control their impulses and thus you would take the toy away until they can show they are in control of themselves.

Give them the power to change and make appropriate decisions. This could include the child wanting to be on his/her own

Give space and time
Children may need time away from peers to cool down and/or to regenerate. Let them choose to do an activity on his/her own (to kick a ball or read a book). Stay with them, be calm to help them calm.

Be positive. A little laughter can go a long way.

Say what you want to happen, not what you don’t want to happen.
Make requests in clear, precise terms in keeping with the child’s developmental level.